Featured Paintings

The Hard Times


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This work of art symbolises the time from 2020-2022. The things on the bottom were used by the kings and elders and were lost during Covid. The people are busy pulling their masks away so they can obtain food. On the top the spider webs symbolise the disturbance of the era.

Joining Hands Together


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The people are out in the field working hard on the harvest. It is late and dark. They are tired and holding hands. It is a lot of effort to do the work, but they are still proud of what they are doing and do not feel compelled to complain. We should all join hands and unite together.

Free and Fair Elections

1.20 *1.26 m

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These strong women are holding up their arms and supporting a considerable amount of weight. Some of the fruits have fallen to the ground, but they push forward and continue. We need the freedom of free elections, free speech and free movement so that we can be strong and move forward like these women.

Tendai Makufa

Tendai Makufa is a South African artist and painter. He has over 20 years of painting experience. His work has an original African style and he uses rich colours to make his paintings stand out.

He expresses his thoughts, tells stories and speaks through his art. Each piece has been created with love and respect which inspires people and stimulates their emotions.

Tendai Makufa was born in Zimbabwe (1979)and trained at ((B,A,T Fine Art)), under the National Gallery of Zimbabwe for 4 years.

Some of this art is available for sale. 

Please contact Tendai Makufa for details.


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